Something woke me up shortly after the storm began the other morning. I got up to figure out what I heard and Ray was not in her usual spot at the end of the bed. I looked around the house and quietly called her but got no response. I returned to the bedroom and knelt down to feel around the floor under the bed. That's when I noticed a little head peaking out at me from the abyss! Yes, Ray was sitting in the dreaded abyss, hiding from the storm. Poor Baby Ray has gone from storm chaser to storm hater and no amount of coaxing could get her out of the abyss. I left her laying there and she had wiggled her way out by morning. We're still surprised by her choice of shelter since she still stands on the bed and peers into the abyss from a safe distance. The noise that woke me up was probably her squeezing in between the furniture and the wall. Sweet thing just wanted to feel safe and close to her papa.