Wednesday, February 19, 2014

You Win Some, You Lose Some

So that whole Pet Rider thing, just forget about it. I took Ray with me for a five minute trip down the road the other night and she put the Pet Rider through a good run. I was very disappointed that she was sick because it's looking more and more like her only car rides will be to the vet, and no offense Dr. Davis, but that's no fun! But I was pleased because the Pet Rider didn't let any of the mess, and it was bad, soak through to the seat.

I pulled the cover out of the car and threw it in the washer. It says on the box and the tag that it's machine washable, one of the benefits I mentioned previously. They should probably add "not recommended" after machine washable because while it didn't destroy the Pet Rider, it certainly compromised the integrity of the backing material as its now full of holes. Not sure that will do much to stop leakage. Disappointing but at least I have a fall back...and the receipt.

Speck's eye is looking good and all the Rosendogs are enjoying their almost daily walk. We've been adding distance as the temperatures have started getting warmer. Ray is doing even better with come but loves to bark at the neighbor dogs and is still munching the poo poo here and there. She's still a Sillybutt and wiggly as can be, you'd think she was 2 months instead of 5. She jumps like a jack rabbit, straight up in the air, but has yet to figure out how to jump on the bed. She's a hot mess, but makes me laugh every day. The Rosendogs are all playing together well now, as much as the boys know how to play with others. And I had to smile when I looked over the other night and they were all laying on the dog beds. I think Ray's starting to become comfortable with being a member of the family.

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