Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014

We only had two trick-or-treaters on Halloween. Disappointing, but it gave us plenty of time to torture-I mean dress up-the Rosendogs in their costumes. Enjoy!

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

Something woke me up shortly after the storm began the other morning. I got up to figure out what I heard and Ray was not in her usual spot at the end of the bed. I looked around the house and quietly called her but got no response. I returned to the bedroom and knelt down to feel around the floor under the bed. That's when I noticed a little head peaking out at me from the abyss! Yes, Ray was sitting in the dreaded abyss, hiding from the storm. Poor Baby Ray has gone from storm chaser to storm hater and no amount of coaxing could get her out of the abyss. I left her laying there and she had wiggled her way out by morning. We're still surprised by her choice of shelter since she still stands on the bed and peers into the abyss from a safe distance. The noise that woke me up was probably her squeezing in between the furniture and the wall. Sweet thing just wanted to feel safe and close to her papa.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Ray's Big Birthday Camping Adventure

Happy Birthday, Baby Ray!

It's hard to believe it, but Raylene is a year old. She's introduced us to a whole new level of dog crazy since joining our household nine months ago and we've loved almost every second of it.

We've been wanting to take Ray camping as part of our continued efforts to put her in new and different situations with and without people and dogs. A beautiful fall weekend during her birthday month gave us the perfect opportunity!

We recently camped at Sam's Throne Recreation Area in northern Arkansas. If you're not familiar with the place, Sam's is about 30 minutes south of Harrison up a twisty little mountain road and is popular with hikers and rock climbers.

Ray's car sickness, although better, is still an issue and this trip was a given. The trip down took an hour or so longer because we stopped a couple of times to try and abate the issue. She threw up twice on the way down and once on the way home. Luckily, she'd take a nap and be fine.

Ray loved everything about camping and hiking! From morsels at meal times to curling up on the sleeping bags, she was completely at home. The campsites at Sam's sit on a ridge with at least 75 ft. drop offs so we kept her real close to camp but she couldn't get enough exploring. We pretty much had the place to ourselves but she didn't bark or hide from the people we did see. She didn't bark at the owl or the coyotes singing together throughout the valley every night either.

Our weather was perfect and the leaves had just started turning so we were able to enjoy some early hints of autumn color. Ray had a blast hiking and did really well on the trails. We let her off leash for a little while and she would get 20 or so feet ahead then stop and look back at us, waiting impatiently just like Gypsy use to. Ray didn't let us linger very long to take pics or a drink when she was on leash either, she had things to see and smell!

Some of Ray Ray's funnier antics included digging up a steak from a previous camper and numerous small holes around the campsite hunting moles, and laying claim to sleeping bags as her humans were trying to enter them. She also followed us to the toilet, especially me, and would wait outside unless I brought her in. She would apparently get upset if I snuck over with out her. Funny girl!

Ray's definitely going on many other camping adventures with us and I can't wait to get her on the water! An unexpected treat is Ray choosing to sit and snuggle with me a lot more since we've been back, suits me just fine!

The other Rosendogs were left in capable hands, thank you Anna & Amanda!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tip-a-Canoe and the Dogs Came Too

September was a blur. We took the boys floating early in the month. Lieu cried all 6.2 miles and Jason had to counter balance Speck the whole way. They used to float with us all the time but I don't think we'll be taking them again.

We've been trying to take Ray in the car on short trips. Now she loves to go and gets excited whenever we leave, unless we take one or more of the other dogs, then she throws a fit. One day we took her and Speck to the pet store, to get puppy cones at Andy's and for a walk on the greenway. She didn't quite make it, but we've had many shorter successes, all in good time. Ray also got to accompany Jason to my work picnic. She wouldn't let anyone pet her, but she loved walking around the park and didn't get upset with any other dogs.

I was 5 minutes from leaving for work one morning, getting ready in the bedroom with Ray laying on the bed, when I leaned over to give her some love. She jerked her head up, gave me a fat lip and knocked my bridge out. Luckily the dentist was able to get me right in.

We took Magi and Speck in for vaccinations. She's up to 54 lbs. and he's 23lbs. Magi didn't throw up on the trip, we're on a roll! Lieu's been to the vet twice-his first anal gland issue and to have a fatty tumor checked.

October brings Ray's birthday. I can hardly believe our Baby Ray is already a year old.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Her Rotteness Reigns Supreme

We've created a monster. These teenage months are going to wear us down as much as puppy hood did, the only difference is Ray moves faster now. She's still adorable and funny, and we could definitely have it much worse, but she's as obstinate as ever and has little interest in listening to, much less obeying, commands. Unless you're Magi...or Jason.

Magi has very little patience for Ray's antics. They're still buds and wrestle regularly, but Ray cow tows to Magi, even when she shouldn't or doesn't need to. Magi's gotten really bossy with everyone, including us when she thinks she can get away with it. The two of them keep the boys in check though. They won't put up with Lieu picking on Speck at all.

Ray's love-me-not behavior wouldn't matter if she hadn't decided she's Jason's dog. She loves, loves, loves her papa. She brings her toys to him to play (while refusing my offers to play), and tries to share by shoving them in his mouth, she snuggles with him in bed or on the couch and ignores me or jumps off. And now she cries when he leaves.

So I've decided to use Ray's fondness for Jason to teach her a new trick. I always wave goodbye to him from the dining room window and Ray has started standing at the window with me when he leaves. So I'm trying to teach her to wave at him by moving her paw up and down. She's not very patient so she usually runs off before he actually leaves, but I call her back and help her wave as I do. I'm pretty sure she tried to wave by herself today and even if it wasn't intentional, she's still getting the idea.

I'm also teaching her to catch treats in the air. We started with Cheetos, cause who doesn't love Cheetos!? Ray did great, Magi not so much. Magi just lets them bounce off her head and the floor, much like Betty used to do. And Specker is great at it too. Lieu didn't hear the commotion and slept through it all.

A word of warning should you ever visit the Animal House: Ray loves to stick her nose in your crotch and butt, and will happily lift your skirt, shorts to do so. She actually has to approach you to do so, the chances of which are fairly slim given her track record with people, but consider yourself warned all the same.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Belly Love and Other Topics

Ray is a belly whore. Betty was the original belly whore. Whenever you'd pet her, Betty would invariably roll on to her back so you can pet her stomach, and usually sooner than later. Most dogs like their bellies scratched, but these two would prefer it was all belly petting, all the time. Ray takes belly whoring to a new level as she throws herself on the floor at your feet as you're walking through the house. She's hard to resist, laying there wiggling her butt and wagging her stubby tale, but she's also a danger to our well being at times. But look how big she's getting! The first photo is from today and the other six months ago.

Ray gets to sleep on the floor in our room every night. She's becoming a pretty good watch dog and doesn't care to sleep on the bed or tear anything up, so we're happy to let her sleep outside her box. The best part--Sillybutt comes up for snuggle time before we go to sleep and when we wake up. The other Rosendogs aren't too happy about it but they also aren't content to sleep on the floor. I also started pulling a bed in for Lieu (Ray also if she wanted) a few nights a week, he gets some special treatment as our senior Rosendog. Like getting to drag our clothes around the house.

Magi's been getting her own special time. I've started painting her nails every week or so. She does really well through about three paws, then it's sometimes a struggle to finish.

I'd feel bad if I didn't mention Speck. We're trying to keep his annual summer allergy freak-out at bay with Benadryl. Luckily the weather has been much cooler than normal. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Now I Have a Name

*I wrote this for a short story contest at work. It didn't win but since it's Ray's story I wanted to share it here as well.

Now I Have a Name
That winter was a brutal one. My fur, matted with ice and snow, provided little warmth as winter raged on.
The man that lived in the house yelled and kicked at us with his big boots. The woman threw a cup of food out into the yard every day, but I had to fight my family for any morsels we discovered in the mud or covered with snow. I hate digging through the snow to find my food, it freezes my nose.

I’ve heard my father’s father say that “these kind of people don’t deserve the loyal companionship of a dog.” There were three generations of my canine family left outside to starve.

I saw a child come and go from the house next door. She looked like she’d like to play with us, but she never came over. At night my family crawled into a hole under a shed to stay warm.

One day a man and woman came to the house. They loaded two of us into their car. I’d never been in a car and it was very scary, but I could tell these were nice people. I never saw my sister or family again, but now I live in a pack with people who love us. I have a name and no one threatens to hurt me. I sleep inside and they feed me every day. Life is good.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Catching Up

Hey there! Sorry it's been awhile but things have been fairly quiet in Rosendog land. I'm also experiencing technical difficulties with my tablet, the tool I use to write Ray of Life. I HATE technical difficulties and nothing I do seems to fix this particular problem, so I avoided the issue until I could think of a work around. I've downloaded an app for the blog, this is the test run so we'll see how it goes.

Anyhow, as I was saying, dog-wise it's been fairly quiet. Then this weekend happened. Jason took the critter feeding tray down because Ray became obsessed with jumping and grabbing the tray with her mouth. We were worried she'd hurt herself and eventually the tree, so down it came. Of course the jumping hasn't stopped, she is actually jumping even higher! But there's less jumping overall, so that's good.

A water lily was sitting next to the pond for re-potting after the koi dug it up. Ray thought the plant would make a good snack and while she didn't eat much, it was enough to warrant checking the toxic plants lists. Opinions vary on the toxicity of water lilies so we opted for the watch and wait method. I did check my phone to make sure the animal poison hot line was still listed, just in case. So far, so good, although there was that nasty mess she rolled in...not sure what it was, but Ray managed to find and roll in something gross in the yard and required a bath first thing Sunday morning. That was pleasant.

Ray didn't escape the weekend unscathed. She got her ear pinched under the rocking chair Saturday night. Poor baby! It was quite the little injury and we learned that ears bleed profusely. Jason put styptic powder on it and it stopped. That powder burns a bit, but Ray was a trooper through it all and hasn't bothered her wound at all. Such a good girl...sometimes!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Dog Treat: Smarties

Here are a couple of pups who are as talented as they are cute! The patience and time these owners and talented canines exhibit is impressive. Bravo!

I'm ready for an end to daily rain and muddy paws. The floors and my clothes can't take much more. If only I could train the Rosendogs to wipe their feet...and Ray to quit jumping on me.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Critters Beware!

Ray has a new way to torment our backyard visitors. She loves to jump up to the feeder platform, whether critters are up there eating or not, and has started biting and hanging from it temporarily. She almost got a squirrel by the other day, it just barely got away. Here's the tree climbing/jumping video as promised:

In other news, Ray slept on the bed with us almost all night last night! So exciting, even though I got almost no sleep! She hasn't slept with us since the first night we brought her home and she slept with me on the couch.

Ray's still terrified of the crevasse between the bed and wall. I don't know what she thinks is in that dark abyss, but she still stays far from the edge. We invite her up on the bed regularly but you can't move too quick or she takes off. And she typically only stays a few minutes. Last night was a treat but not one I'll be too quick to repeat.

In not so fun news: Ray's a little obsessed with the dog behind us. We're teaching her not to bark at it (wish our neighbor would do the same) so instead she whines. And bites the fence. I was looking the other day and the privacy fence has bite marks all down a lengthy section of it at various heights in the Ray reach. I see fence repairs in our not so distant future.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

And the Beat Goes On

Tried to get a new selfie with Ray and had to settle for this one. At least we're both in it.

Raylene managed to lose her fancy name tag and rabies tag. Guessing they came off somewhere in the yard during a wrestling match with Magi. Scoured the yard a couple of times but they've yet to turn up. Now's our chance to turn her loose!

If she continues pleasuring herself in the manner she recently discovered, Sillybutt may have to go elsewhere anyway. Just kidding! But seriously, what's with the masterbating dogs?!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Rosendog Family Field Trip

Very rarely do we take all four dogs anywhere together. A quick trip to Sonic for half-price shakes provided the opportunity to take the girls for a short trip with the boys as company so we loaded them all up and headed down the road. Everyone did really well! Ray had a blast hanging her head out the windows with the boys and looking at everything. Magi did pretty well too although she stuck it pretty close to us. But there was no crying or puking so I call it a win!

Ray brought a stick in yesterday through the dog door. I told her that sticks need to stay outside. She promptly went over, picked the stick up and headed back outside with it. I know she didn't understand everything I said, but Ray shows us everyday just what a smart dog she is.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Rosendog Athletic Department

Huge news! Ray caught the Frisbee twice tonight while I was playing with her. It's the first time she's caught it for either of us and two times no less! We were super excited!

Here's a video of one of our other athletes. Lieu loves to "play soccer" and will push a ball around the yard until he's about to collapse, so he doesn't get many opportunities.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Nothing is Safe

Well, that was frustrating. After working on it for three days, I just finished my intended post with this title and it disappeared. I didn't know the title was a prophecy as well. Nothing is safe.

So here's the post in a nutshell:

  • Ray & Magi eat all of our ripe strawberries before we can. Gonna have to move that planter. 
  • Speck tortured a snake briefly and killed a new brood of opossums during nightly hunts last week.
  • Ray had another clingy, anxious day Sunday, probably caused by threatened use of can. Then got stung by a bee on the foot. Back to self by evening.
  • Sillybutt would not stay in out of the rain Monday.
And how about some pics:



Sunday, May 4, 2014

Spring Romp with Magi & Ray

Took this a couple of weekends ago. Jason was building a pavilion/carport and I was cleaning the deck and deck furniture, but as you can see the girls didn't let that get in the way of their fun. Forgive the poor  videograghy,  they're hard to keep up with.

We decided to go with Pet Armor for flea and tick control now that it's available at more retailers. I don't care for the smell but nobody had a bad reaction so I'm hopeful.

Big news for Ray this weekend -- she managed to ride with Jason and Speck to Sonic and back without vomiting! I'm hopeful it's a breakthrough,  even if it means we always have to take another dog with her.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Dog Treat: Merengue

Hope you enjoy one of my all time favorite dog videos. This one's a few years old, but this dog and her partner never cease to amaze me. The girls just nibble our fingers when we try to dance with them.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Crate Chaos

Ray's grown so much that she's outgrown her crate. Since the Rosendogs have days when they spend a good chunk of time in their boxes, I like to make sure they're as comfortable as possible. I hated that Ray might be uncomfortable or even worse,  that it would stunt her growth!

I really like her current crate so I looked online and found that Amazon handled the larger ones. Sillybutt just keeps growing and she still has a ways to go before she grows into her feet and ears, so I opted to go up two crate sizes to give her plenty of room.

Ray's definitely got plenty of room.  The new cage is gigantic! We could fit a couple of Sillybutts in it. And it's not even the largest size available, can't imagine how big the next size is. We rearranged Rosendog Row to fit in and moved Speck's bedding into Ray's old box. He's gotten pretty tubby so he needs the extra space.

Bear in mind that each dog knows whose box is who's, the same way they do with their bowls. Complete chaos ensues now when it's time for the Rosendogs to go in their boxes. It should only last a day or so, but for now we get to spend an extra few minutes sorting everybody out as they all go in and out of the wrong box. Even Magi and Lieu which I find funny since nothing really changed for them. At least we started on Friday so we have the weekend to get everyone sorted out.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Dog Treat: Feeding Time

I love watching videos of smart, cute and funny dogs, and I love to share their talents. I'm going to start sharing my favorites as "Dog Treats." So enjoy this first treat. These guys are so smart & sweet, I can only hope to train our four this well. And that fluffy one is as cute as he can be!

And if you were wondering about feeding time with the Rosendogs...

Each knows which bowl is theirs and stick to them pretty well at meal times. Of course given the opportunity one will take advantage of another wandering off. They may not pray or clear the table, but we have our own little system and it works.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Ray Don't Care

"Ray don't care" pretty much sums up life at our house the past couple of months. And we expect to keep saying it regularly as our teenage terror of a puppy seems hellbent on continuing her current trends of disobedience and destruction.

You see those ears, right? Ray picks up every sound in a mile radius, I'm sure. So I know it's not her hearing when I call her to me from two feet away and she goes to Jason. She just doesn't care that I'm the one calling her.

The other day Jason found our little darling de-feathering our lonesome dove. She hadn't killed it mind you, just pinned it to the ground and proceeded to pull the feathers out of the poor thing's back. Jason was able to distract her away from it long enough for the dove to fly away. This dove has visited our yard regularly for several years and has no mate, so I'm very hopeful he has a full recovery.

That evening Ray punched Jason in the mouth after he made what we've started calling the crazy note while playing with her

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Every Day's a Lesson

Our lanky stick eater.
You may recall me talking about how unique Ray is compared to other puppies we've raised, especially if unique means "exhibit every typical puppy behavior and then some." Suffice it to say that she has tested us in more ways than one.

Her post op recovery has been going really well. Ray has definitely recovered like a champ, so much so that she has developed what I believe is a seromas, a firm lump under her incision. They're caused by over activity following surgery and typically go down. According to one site, about five percent of post surgery pets experience seromas, so we feel privileged. In all seriousness though, I'm thankful that if she's going to have a complication, hopefully this is the worst of it.

I'm treating it with a warm compress a few times a day and trying even harder to subdue her rambunctious behavior. Luckily Ray's decided she likes the heat and has started exposing her belly to get more of the pad on her. Controlling her activity level is another story. She goes from one thing to another like a steam locomotive-from picking on the boys to wrestling with Magi and then on to chasing squirrels.

Last night Ray was rather sedate except for being excessively clingy and unable to get comfortable. It's nice to have some close contact with the typically standoffish Ray, but she was beside herself with worry if she wasn't on top of us. That would have been fine if she'd been able to sit still for longer than five seconds at a time.

Jason mentioned an incident involving the boys and "the can" and felt like she was still a little freaked out from the noise. It seems the evening's strange behavior could have been a combination of Ray being uncomfortable from the swelling and out of her gourd over whatever went on with the boys. Either way, hopefully this will be the extent of her post op complications and we can all get back to living free and easy very soon.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Pain, Patrols and Rights of Passage

Ray's a big girl now. Yesterday she passed that all important milestone for modern bitches-getting spayed. I hate to put her through it but I also feel strongly about the importance of spaying and neutering dogs and cats. There are far too many animals in need of homes and too many irresponsible pet owners. Sorry, off the soapbox.

Since they were putting her under anyway, we went ahead and had that last baby canine tooth removed. Add in the microchip and Ray had a full day of poking and prodding. Oh, the price of being a Rosendog.

Poor baby had a long day that started with her routine being thrown out of whack. She couldn't have any breakfast or water and wasn't allowed in the backyard to do her morning patrol. Ray's outside more than ever now that spring has arrived. We rarely see her inside unless it's time to eat or take a nap. You can see her weigh her options when we call Sillybutt in the house for any but the afore mentioned reasons. She's sure there's something more important that needs her attention. But I digress.

Ray cried all the way to the vet, again. It makes me sad that she hates riding in the car so much. But I was happy to hear that her weight is up to 36 pounds. Her surgery went well and I was able to pick her up at the end of the day...after a thirty minute detour to reach the clinic due to an accident on the highway. I was really glad though that I didn't have to take the detour with Ray in the car, she really would have hated that. She threw up on the way home just the same. Luckily the seats were covered.

My sweet baby topped off the day by nipping my hand when she snapped at Speck for getting too close to 'her' water. She wasn't happy about being denied free access to the backyard either. Lucky for all of us she's already feeling much better and back to her usual hijinks. I'm sure surviving Ray's teenage period will prove to be a challenge, but I'm glad to have this right of passage behind us.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sillybutt's Favorite Things

Ray's about six months old now and gives everything she does 110 percent of her attention, good or bad. You can't help but love an animal that lives with such determination, but boy does she wear us out. Here are a few of her favorite activities:

10. Playing with Speck.

9. Wrestling with Magi.

8. Playing chase with Magi.

7. Chasing birds.

6. Barking.

5. Going on a walk.

4. Patrolling the yard.

3. Eating fish food out of the pond.

2. Chewing.

1. Eating.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Lucha Libre por Peros

The Rosendogs are ready to rumble--Mexican wrestling style! Don't turn your back on these ferocious beasts, you're liable to regret it. Meet the All Bads:

Rowdy Ray
Mad Magi
Licky Lieu
Spazy Speck

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Rosendog Races

Okay, so it's not all of the Rosendogs, only Magi & Ray (although Speck adds some vocals). And they aren't racing so much as...well I'm not quite sure, maybe tag or keep away. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this video of the action we witness daily. It took me at least a dozen attempts to record them successfully. Yes, it's a little crazy for a few minutes, but they never fail to make me laugh. And no one Rosendog race is the same as another, the girls seem to add little variations here and there to keep things fresh. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Toothy Tale

We've been fortunate enough to share our lives with 9 great dogs through our nearly 20 years together. Never had to worry about one chewing through our hardwood floors until now. No. 10 is proving to be a challenge as we deal with endless teething. Hopefully we're nearing the end of it though.

During Ray's last vet visit (puppy shots are done, yay!) we learned that she had not lost her baby canines although her big girl teeth are coming in. No wonder it felt like a barracuda had a hold of us-she had four extra pointy teeth up front! Well I'm happy to report that three of the four teeth have fallen out in the last week or so. Hopefully the fourth will fall out on its own as well and soon.

Ray's like a goat in the fact that she will climb on and eat just about anything. I spent a couple of hours this weekend cleaning up the yard from her scavenging and chewing activities, among other things. And the other night I pulled a tack out of her mouth. Where she found it I can't be sure, just so glad I got it out before she swallowed it! I'm constantly washing my hands from pulling things out of her mouth on a regular basis.

On a positive note: our not-so-little Sillybutt has decided it's not so bad hanging around her people. She sat next to me for a few minutes while I was writing before moving to her favorite spot on the floor.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Growing Pains

Ray is taller than Magi now, not by much mind you, but she is. Of course Magi still has 20-30 pounds on her. Sillybutt has also figured out how to jump on the bed but she's terrified of the abyss between Jason's side and the wall.

I was sitting on the couch with a cup of hot tea the other night when my sweet yeti-hyena dog came barreling through the house and straight onto my lap. Ray had no interest in staying, just making sure I knew she was in, but she wasn't expecting to send hot tea flying everywhere, including her face. Luckily it wasn't fresh out if the kettle and since it didn't scald me we don't think it hurt her, but boy did she make one hell of a mess!

Did you know dogs love pistachios? The commercial doesn't lie. I shared some of mine with the Rosendogs and while they all enjoyed them, I'm pretty sure Ray's decided they are the best thing EVER. Just try and eat a pistachio in front of her,  you may get to eat it but it won't be easy.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

You Win Some, You Lose Some

So that whole Pet Rider thing, just forget about it. I took Ray with me for a five minute trip down the road the other night and she put the Pet Rider through a good run. I was very disappointed that she was sick because it's looking more and more like her only car rides will be to the vet, and no offense Dr. Davis, but that's no fun! But I was pleased because the Pet Rider didn't let any of the mess, and it was bad, soak through to the seat.

I pulled the cover out of the car and threw it in the washer. It says on the box and the tag that it's machine washable, one of the benefits I mentioned previously. They should probably add "not recommended" after machine washable because while it didn't destroy the Pet Rider, it certainly compromised the integrity of the backing material as its now full of holes. Not sure that will do much to stop leakage. Disappointing but at least I have a fall back...and the receipt.

Speck's eye is looking good and all the Rosendogs are enjoying their almost daily walk. We've been adding distance as the temperatures have started getting warmer. Ray is doing even better with come but loves to bark at the neighbor dogs and is still munching the poo poo here and there. She's still a Sillybutt and wiggly as can be, you'd think she was 2 months instead of 5. She jumps like a jack rabbit, straight up in the air, but has yet to figure out how to jump on the bed. She's a hot mess, but makes me laugh every day. The Rosendogs are all playing together well now, as much as the boys know how to play with others. And I had to smile when I looked over the other night and they were all laying on the dog beds. I think Ray's starting to become comfortable with being a member of the family.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

My Yard is Mud

And therefore so are the Rosendogs feet. I pretty much give up on the floors this time of year, not that I put that much effort into housecleaning anytime, but spring is a losing battle. I wish I could train the Rosendogs to wipe their feet. I've seen it on the interwebs so I know its possible, but ours just look at me like I'm crazy/gnaw at my hands when I try to wipe their feet. So until the day comes when they wipe their paws, thank goodness for hardwoods and tile!

Speaking of messes--hopefully I'll have fewer in my SUV from now on. The dogs will still ride, but hopefully Magi & Ray's messes will be easier to clean up. The Rosendog humans spent a romantic Valentine's Day evening at Petsmart picking up dog food and a new harness for Ray. We passed an end cap of as seen on TV stuff and there sat one Pet Rider for only $9.99. Now, full disclosure--I love as seen on TV stuff! I don't try it all and I don't QVC but there are a few quality items to have come from infomercials and I'm hoping this is one. It installs easily and is machine washable. There's kind of a rubbery backing so hopefully dog bodily fluids won't soak into the seat/cargo area as easily as with sheets, blankets or towels. Sorry for the poor quality of the installed puke guard, at least you get the idea.


Made a second visit to the vet this week. Took Speck to get his eye and a tumor checked out on Saturday. So he got to try out the seat guard first. It didn't seem to impede him any and saved the seat from his dirty feet. His eye has a little ulcer, probably from playing with Ray, should heal fine with antibiotic drops. And it's a fatty tumor so besides being a tub-o, sausage of a dog, he's good. If only you could have heard Speck's monk chanting during his exam--om. Here's a little of his Elvis impression instead.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Dingo Is My Baby

Who's up to 25.5 pounds? This girl is! We went to visit Dr. Davis today for Ray's second puppy booster and rabies shot. She's gained nearly 10 pounds in her first month with us. We also got a treatment for her latest fascination-poop eating. I've decided she's going to present us with every dog behavior issue possible as a trade off for her cuteness. I blame her early feral upbringing, after all I am raising a yeti-coated dingo--check out those ears! Further evidence: Ray's on top of Magi, shaking her by the collar as I write.

It was a banner day for Baby Ray, but not all of it in good ways. Work schedules required the Rosendogs to stay in their boxes longer than usual. I found Ray's  protest over her treatment when I came home to pick her up for the vet.

Ray cried the whole time on the drive to Nixa but was happy in the clinic and wanted to meet all the other dogs and their people. We had no sooner left the lot and got back on the road toward home when she threw up in the back seat. Poor baby! There's nothing I could do in rush hour traffic but head home. Ray just doesn't do well in the car. I'm not so sure she'll be up to being our new river dog if she's going to be sick every time we travel. We'll just have to keep trying and invest in one of those washable backseat covers, sheets just don't quite do it.

Another possible trip to the vet on Saturday, this time with Speck. One of his eyes is bothering him so hopefully it will clear up by then, but if not, at least he doesn't get car sick! 

Some days are like this one, even with our little Ray of Life, and sorry if it grossed you out. Life is definitely not all puppy kisses and cute photos around here, but I love it. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

For the Joy of It

Because of the dogs joyfulness our own is increased. It is no small gift. It is not the least reason why we should honor as well as love the dog of our own life, and the dog down the street, and all the dogs not yet born.
 -Mary Oliver,  "Dog Songs"

The Rosendogs bring immense joy to our lives and I am thankful for every day that I get to spend with them. I hope it brings you joy to read about their doggie lives on Ray of Life.