Sunday, March 23, 2014

Lucha Libre por Peros

The Rosendogs are ready to rumble--Mexican wrestling style! Don't turn your back on these ferocious beasts, you're liable to regret it. Meet the All Bads:

Rowdy Ray
Mad Magi
Licky Lieu
Spazy Speck

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Rosendog Races

Okay, so it's not all of the Rosendogs, only Magi & Ray (although Speck adds some vocals). And they aren't racing so much as...well I'm not quite sure, maybe tag or keep away. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this video of the action we witness daily. It took me at least a dozen attempts to record them successfully. Yes, it's a little crazy for a few minutes, but they never fail to make me laugh. And no one Rosendog race is the same as another, the girls seem to add little variations here and there to keep things fresh. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Toothy Tale

We've been fortunate enough to share our lives with 9 great dogs through our nearly 20 years together. Never had to worry about one chewing through our hardwood floors until now. No. 10 is proving to be a challenge as we deal with endless teething. Hopefully we're nearing the end of it though.

During Ray's last vet visit (puppy shots are done, yay!) we learned that she had not lost her baby canines although her big girl teeth are coming in. No wonder it felt like a barracuda had a hold of us-she had four extra pointy teeth up front! Well I'm happy to report that three of the four teeth have fallen out in the last week or so. Hopefully the fourth will fall out on its own as well and soon.

Ray's like a goat in the fact that she will climb on and eat just about anything. I spent a couple of hours this weekend cleaning up the yard from her scavenging and chewing activities, among other things. And the other night I pulled a tack out of her mouth. Where she found it I can't be sure, just so glad I got it out before she swallowed it! I'm constantly washing my hands from pulling things out of her mouth on a regular basis.

On a positive note: our not-so-little Sillybutt has decided it's not so bad hanging around her people. She sat next to me for a few minutes while I was writing before moving to her favorite spot on the floor.